

I haven't posted for awhile - my only lame excuse is that I've been busy. One of the things that's kept me busy is working in an area with Horned Larks nesting. The horned larks are pretty cool birds and it's fun to see them at their nests. First, here is a picture of a horned lark nest with eggs:

And here's a picture of baby larks! There are three of them, although the one begging for food is definitely the most photogenic.

On a completely unrelated sidenote, can I be miffed about 'high fidelity' being on http://onceuponawin.com/? The website is self-desribed as "A Visual Collection of Epic Wins from the Past" - and is typically devoted to the 70s, 80s, and maybe the 90s. HF came out in 2000. WTF?


Jessie said...


Unknown said...

Good Job Elise