Photography becomes a significant part of being somewhere like Antarctica. Whether documenting the experience or capturing beauty in nature, I like to take pictures. This wonderful world of ice only brings that to the surface. I sometimes feel limited by my equipment, but for the most part, what I have works. My pictures may not be ready for a magazine cover, but those close to me seem to enjoy them anyway. However, what I do miss this trip is video. On this trip, I am unable to record any 'moving pictures', and I miss very much. Because while still images can convey some of the beauty of this area, it is hard to capture the personality in still frames. (Mainly, it's the personalities of wildlife that I wish to cling to.)
For me, here, photographs risk becoming more document than art. This is where I was, this is what I saw. I am often too busy working to have the time, or even patience, to find those shots - pictures that capture amazing perspectives, personalities, or balance. Video fills some of that gap - it is a way to capture personality and experience to take home. Too bad I can't capture these in my way-too-plentiful-to-call-limited supply of pictures - the animals can truly fascinate and delight.
So, I will return to the theme of dirty chicks and give you two gentoos:

And if you want video, go check out that Gentoo escape from Orcas. If you haven't seen it, try (If I were in that boat, I'd want to get the heck outta there, not hang around to see what the orcas did next!)
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